Kohaku Koi House Sdn Bhd
5, Jalan Banang,
Taman Johor,
81200, Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.






Business Hours :  
Tuesdays to Sundays:
10.00 am to 6.00 pm

Our Business Associates:

Water Related/Medicine

Marine Salt tester 0 to 40 ppt

pH Digital tester

Salt Digital tester

pH Test Kit

Ammonia Test kit

Nitrite Test Kit

Klear bacteria

Algaefix 1.89 litre

Bio Earth

Anti chlorine liquid

Anti chlorine pallet (tub)

pH up

Chlorine Test Kit

Midgex to prevent lavae

Course salt 5 kg

S1 medication 5 litres

S1 medication 1 litre


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